Turf Walk, Cliff Road
For a number of years the Parish Council have dealt with badgers and moles in this area. We have a contract with Vectis Pest Control to help us with the moles.
Stokes Green, Granville Road
During the Spring/Summer of 2018 the Parish Council restored an old Victorian path from Stokes Green down to the sea front.
Turvills Field, Madeira Road
This is a beautiful area and very quiet. The Parish Council keeps this as a wild meadow with a path around the edge. The Parish Council are working with Natural Enterprise, Gift to Nature and Green Gym to maintain this area and a management plan will be available during 2023.
A copy of the Management Plan for Turvills Field can be found HERE. If you would like to comment on this please email the Clerk.
Recreation Ground, off The Broadway
The is a play area for various ages and outdoor gym equipment. The Totland Bay Bowling Club, Scouts Groups, Army Cadets and Men in Sheds are also on the Rec. This leads into:
One Horse Field, behind the Recreation Ground
A beautiful quiet area that is managed by Natural Enterprise, Gift to Nature and Green Gym.
Cokes Green & War Memorial, junc. The Broadway & Church Hill
Lanes End verges, areas of the car park including entrances
Colwell Common, Colwell Common Road
Weston School Field, Church Hill
Jubilee Pump, Middleton
At the June 2023 meeting Councillors agreed to keep this area as a wild meadow and therefore a reduced number of grass cuts each year. Species that have been identified are as follows:
Ladies Smock, Buttercups, Daisies, Primroses, Chickweed, Red Clover, Speedwell, Plantain, Herb Robert, Nettles, Comfrey, Dock, Cow Parsley, Cranesbill, Ox-Eye Daises and a number of grasses.
Memorial Hall, Avenue Road – 1/3rd ownership with Freshwater Parish Council 2/3rd owners
Totland Beach Public Toilet Block
Colwell Chine Public Toilet Block