Falls Prevention

Falls Prevention leaflet – Nov 2023

As our population ages, there is a considerable rise in falls, which places a significant amount of pressure on primary and secondary care. In light of improving population health, the Isle of Wight Public Health, NHS Trust, and Energise Me teams have created a FREE older adults’ falls booklet with a fall checklist on how to reduce the incidence of falls and support ageing well, for individuals who are at risk of a fall or who have fallen. The checklist provides guidance, information and signposts for older adults, families, and health professionals to local physical activity, physical and mental health services and local organisations to help prevent falls and support healthy ageing. The PDF version has the following:

  • Exercising regularly.
  • Take your medicine on time and correctly.
  • Keep well hydrated.
  • Reduce any alcohol intake.
  • Having eyesight routinely tested.
  • Consider changing your footwear.
  • Is a home fall safe?
  • Feeling dizzy.
  • Is clothing appropriate to prevent a fall?
  • Maintain a healthy diet.

The information is also available on the older adults web page on the Isle of Wight council website https://www.iow.gov.uk/keep-the-island-safe/public-health/healthy-living/falls-prevention/