SEA WALL CLOSED -Updates April 2024

21 May 2024, 09:00am
Totland to Colwell seawall footpath partially reopened
A popular seawall footpath between Totland Bay and Colwell has partially reopened.

Tonnes of rock and debris have been cleared by Isle of Wight Council contractors from the promenade, restoring public access along the seafront from the Totland pier gates up to the existing landslip section.

Work is due to start later this month to repair voiding discovered underneath the seawall on the Colwell side of the landslip.

The council’s aim is to fully reopen the footpath — which was closed for public safety in February — at the earliest opportunity next month.

Councillor Paul Fuller, Cabinet member for coastal protection, said: “I would like to thank our Island’s residents and visitors for their patience while these works are being undertaken.

“The winter storms caused much devastation across the Island and our teams are working hard to repair the damage and protect the public. However, I would urge people to please stay away from damaged areas and out of danger.

“It is brilliant that following ground movement stopping, extensive repairs can be made to reopen these important footpaths. It is also good news that the new steps to the beach to Alum Bay can now be used for this summer season.”

Section 1:  The slurry overspill landslide from Totland Pier end to Colwell will be cleared week commencing 13th May 2024.

Section 2:  The voids on the Colwell section will be repaired May/June 2024.


The sea wall remains closed in two sections:

Section 1:  Totland Pier towards Colwell – this is due to the heavy rains which has led to a downhill slide of slurry. UPDATE:  1s May 2024 – The Isle of Wight Council has issued an order for works to remove this slurry.

Section 2: Colwell – The Isle of Wight Council have arranged for quotations to carry out the necessary repairs and once they are all in a decision will be made based on this information.


Please be aware it has become necessary to close a section of the coastal path known as T34, this path runs between Colwell Chine Road and Totland Pier.  The closure is to allow investigations and works to take place to part of the seawall structure, as a void under it has been found.

Because of the closure there will not be a through route and a diversion will need to be made using Colwell Chine Road, Footpaths T1 / T2 and Madeira Road.